Democracy and corruption in Slovakia

The murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová sent shock waves through political circles in Slovakia. Citizens took to the streets and many public figures stepped down as a sign of their protest or as a consequence of accusations of corruption. Where will this leave Slovakia after the upheaval?

And that they say is democracy, Slovakia sighed

03/18/2018 - 00:00
Late Sunday, 25 February 2018, the police discovered the murder of investigating journalist Jan Kuciak († 27) and his fiancé Martina Kušnířová († 27) in a family home in Velká Mača near Galante. The most likely motive for the murder was the investigative activity of the journalist.

In the latest article, which he had not finished, Kuciak wrote about the interconnection of the Italian mafia 'Ndranghet to some entrepreneurs operating in Slovakia and their ties to the people in the Government Office. One of them is Italian Antonino Vadala, whose 'Ndrangheta was to be used for the transport of goods. Worse in Slovakia, he founded several companies, one of them together with Mária Trošková, assistant to Prime Minister Robert Fico, whose official position at the Government Office was the Chief State Councilor. Viliam Jasaň, who was a deputy assistant in the past and has also been associated with Vadala, has until recently been the Head of Crisis Management at the Government Office and Secretary of the State Security Council.

The death of two young people

In this case, it is very important to be aware of the fact that it was the death of two young people, two unnecessary deaths, which finally showed us how things no longer work in our state. These deaths cruelly laughed democracy in the face. So now we have to find the answer to the most important question: who is responsible?

The murders affecting the political scene

The murder of Kuciak also significantly affected the events on the political scene. Gradually, due to the incident, Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič, Secretary of State Security Council Viliam Jasaň and Fico's Assistant Trošková left office. Igor Janckulík, announced his departure from the parliamentary coalition party of Most-Híd and does not support the coalition any longer, as a sign of his protest. Roman Šipoš, Head of the prime minister's office, also announced his departure.
President Andrej Kiska made a clear statement, seeing the solution in only two ways. In extensive government reconstruction or in early elections.

Earlier this week, we saw the departure of Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák.
Finally, Robert Fico has himself sent his resignation from his third cabinet to President Andrej Kiska. The President accepted it and has already commissioned the construction of the new government by Peter Pellegrini - the current Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investment and Informatization.
Robert Fico, according to preliminary information, remains at the head of his party, Smer-SD. Pellegrini is expected to form his government and introduce it to President Kiska at the beginning of next week.

What's next?

The current political situation is so critical that it’s starting to become comical. The fact that Prime Minister Robert Fico and Interior Minister R. Kalinak both resigned, did not change the fact that the foundations remain the same. Still steering the government of Fico, Pellegrini can become a puppet in his hands.
The "gesture" of former three-time Prime Minister Robert Fico was genuinely ironic towards the citizens.
"My role will back the new Prime Minister up" he added. In a suspiciously good mood, he openly declared that he did not say goodbye to anyone.

So I'm asking, do we citizens of Slovakia leave it like this?
When former Prime Minister Robert Fico handed over the resignation to the President, he said, "I am not leaving, be calm, Mr. President"
On Friday demonstrations that took place in 23 Slovak cities, about 100,000 people came to report "Do not be afraid Mr. Fico, we are not leaving either!"
The message is clear, we must not to be afraid, we must not give up, we have to fight for a decent Slovakia! We must expel Italian mafia from our country, together with traitors!

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