The philosophy of Duel Amical

It is our goal to support the numerous countries on our continent in learning more about each other. Our authors offer short, concise articles for the visitors of Duel Amical, presenting main political issues from the countries the creators are the most familiar with. Our aim is the publication of quality materials for which we think there is a growing demand in the deluge of the information era. Whether this aim was achieved is up to the readers to decide. To ensure quality, we are working together with authors with backgrounds in different social sciences who have graduated from the most renowned European Universities, or who are still attending the establishments.

Duel Amical does not wish to enter into competition with printed or online press. Instead, we would like to complement the traditional quest for knowledge for those who are interested in the politics of foreign countries. Therefore, we are continuously processing and publishing political debates from various countries, providing our visitors with an insight into their main political concerns. By reading two parallel articles on the same topic, the reader can look into the argumentation of the opposite sides regarding the issue. As the parallel articles deliberately mirror conflicting standpoints, each article for itself is strongly subjective. However, contrasting the two opinions enables the creation of an objective viewpoint. It is up to you - the reader - to accept one of the argumentations or to try and see the golden mean in between.

Although we are interested in political affairs, we cannot be considered committed supporters or members of any political party. On the contrary; we decided to work on the creation of Duel Amical because we acknowledge the importance of the debate in politics. A mutual exchange of views can be very insightful for both parties and can eventually bring their ways of thinking closer. The fundament of our page is based not only on the ardent contrast of contradictory argumentations, but also on the respect of the others’ opinion. This is what we stand for: Duel Amical, or “Friendly Debate”.

- The Editors -